The GOP has become a living breathing onion article.

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Apr 2Liked by Teddy Wilson

Aren't these the same people who don't believe that climate change is happening?

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Apr 1Liked by Teddy Wilson

This is what happens when you elect the guy at the end of the bar.

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Apr 8Liked by Teddy Wilson

I had a neighbor that used to put out old water bottles around her front yard filled with vinegar to ward off chemtrails. She finally got rid of them when the neighborhood mocked it. 🙄

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I have collected the dust from chemtrails that fell on my black swimming pool cover. White-silver salt like dust. It tests as aluminum, Barium, Graphene Oxide. All deadly to all life. wise up.

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I bet keys stick to your face too

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No, Mr. Wilson, the Florida Surgeon General is not a Conspiracy Theorist. Please start knowing and sharing truth for a change:

Florida Surgeon General Ladipo Calls for the Covid Injections to be stopped saying : " They are the antichrist of vaccines, as they change human DNA." And that is a crime against humanity. Tucker Carlson Interview of Dr. Ladiopo.https://rumble.com/v4ejxao-florida-surgeon-general-ladipo-demands-covid-vax-halted-changes-dna-tucker-.html

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Amazing Huge Horrible Clots Found In Arteries of the Covid 19 Injected. 30% of the Dead Murdered by The Bioweapon Have HUGE Fibrous Clots . Staggering. Embalmers Across the Globe Verifiying Horrible Huge MRNA Clots, Turbo Cancers, Heart Damage. And more Shots Coming!! More Genocide. https://youtu.be/4rAoqhTUU0g?si=AEHodqyp_I28Sviu

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Teddy Wilson you are the victim of brainwashing. The Term 'Conspiracy theorist' was invented and marketed by the C.I.A. to brainwash Americans. To be used to humiliate anyone that questions the government's official narrative. It and 'tin foil hat' were marketed with tax money by the C,I.A. to shut up Americans who questioned the obvious lies about President Kennedy's murder. That means whenever anyone uses the term 'conspiracy theorist' they are proving their own brainwashing. It is pathetic. And you Mr.Wilson are the reason our nation is in peril, you worship the U.S.Government instead of God and truth. Shameful.

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This is the recent patent to seed the clouds with Graphene Oxide, a very dangerous chemical that is the base to spray toxins , and nano- sized toxins- circuitry that comes alive with 5G. No Mr Wilson its not a conspiracy theory , its verified and triangulated world wide. You had better wise up fast sir and stop publishing false information. Americans have the right to know the truth, and you are blocking truth. This patent is true read it for yourself!!! https://imgur.com/a/uf8YOU1

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"The government will control the weather and you will be happy."

Former U.S. congressional staffer Marc Morano comments on the U.S. government's openness to blocking out the sun—using technology funded by Bill Gates—in the fight against "climate change".

"People aren't buying electric cars fast enough, or they're not embracing Green New Deal policies, so we have to risk our entire planet with this insane kind of research. It's basically weather modification."


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Very Brave Lady- Kristen Meghan former US Air Force presentation about chemtrails. 2014 in Long Island. She discovered Huge shipments of Toxic Chemicals, aluminum, barium,stontium, oxides & sulfates being sprayed in the sky. https://rumble.com/v4uvto6-very-brave-lady-kristen-meghan-former-us-air-force-presentation-about-chemt.html

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Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming”It sounds like a bad joke, but the project has already been launched in US national parks. Millions of trees are to be felled "for the sake of the climate."

Bill Gates To Cut Down Our Huge Huge Forests to help Climate Change . 70 Milliion acres of our forests are to be cut down and burried. This is a crime against the Earth. We need oxygen and carbon to live. The whole Climate Change theory is false based on lies by the World Economic Forum. Directed energy weapons have incinerated millions of acres. Texas was zapped a million acres and 10,000 head of grass fed cattle cooked. It was snowing , there was no grass to burn 50 feet in the air. Like duh. Are people that stupid? This guy on this substack is. You had all better wise up and fast. Try to use your critical thinking skills if the Covid jabs have not totally put you. in brain fog as it crosses the blood brain barrier creating chemical lobotomies. You had all better watch this information video so you can be aware of the truth. Let's see if you have the courage to: https://rumble.com/v4hoiro-hot-new-interview-forensic-arborist-brame-texas-dew-attack-chile-lahaina-ca.html

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More and More Verification What None of Us Wants To Believe and Face, But Face it We Must: " Nano-Bots in People now.Vaxxed &UnVaxxed Blood. Clean Your Blood- Yet Another Report from the brave Dr. Ana Mihalcea that those NOT VAXXED have the Nano-curuitry in our blood. From Shedding, food & spraying

Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee guest to expose how the nanorobot assault on humanity is programming humans, connecting them to the AI hive mind in the AI World Society and how AI may already be able to program symptoms for the next “pandemic.Dr. Ana Mihalcea Reporting on the Maria Zeee News Show from Australia https://rumble.com/v4vibbi-nano-bots-in-people-now.vaxxed-and-unvaxxed-blood.-clean-your-blood-.html

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Citizens Researching Weather Manipulation

Citizens are exposing the weather manipulation. This citizen predicted the terrible wind that just blew through Texas. His post was taken down. Here is a post from 2 weeks ago that was about the same area.

I suggest we all follow. https://rumble.com/v4swvi0-major-storm-steered-by-nexrad-radar-system.html

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Next Time You Think “The US Government Wouldn’t Spray Us” Bookmark This Video & Come Back To it https://new.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndAlert/comments/1d0w3wh/next_time_you_think_the_us_government_wouldnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

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More Weather Engineering Patents:6263744 – July 24, 2001 – Automated mobility-classified-aerosol detector

6281972 – August 28, 2001 – Method and apparatus for measuring particle-size distribution

20030085296 – November 2, 2001 – Hurricane and tornado control device

6315213 – November 13, 2001 – Method of modifying weather

2002009338 – January 24, 2002 – Influencing Weather Patterns by way of Altering Surface or Subsurface Ocean Water Temperatures

20020008155 – January 24, 2002 – Method and System for Hurricane Control

6382526 – May 7, 2002 – Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

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Does Teddy Wilson NOW understand that Americans have been sprayed like bugs for a very long time? Wise up . NOW. Shame on you for lying to people.

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