What’s Coming in 2024
Far right authoritarian movements will continue to grow in power and influence, and democratic institutions and marginalized communities will remain under threat in 2024.
What’s coming in 2024.
In the coming year, various far right groups will continue to employ the strategies and tactics that were successful in previous years, including targeted harassment of marginalized groups and propaganda campaigns designed to mainstream extremist ideology. These groups will also adopt new strategies tactics, target different marginalized groups, and promote alternative media narratives as part of propagation campaigns.
While it’s difficult to predict, it seems highly likely that a primary target of the far right will be anything related to the administration of elections: local election officials, voter registration campaigns, and grassroots organizing efforts. The threats to the individuals and groups involved in the administration of elections and grassroots organizing will include everything from the promotion of unfounded conspiracy theories to targeted harassment and even extremist violence.
Also, this year, I would expect to see evidence of both increased cooperation and competition within the far right ― as various ideologically aligned far right groups may coordinate their activities and messaging, and these same groups may be simultaneously in competition for financial resources and political influence. While there is some evidence of fissures and splintering among various factions of the far right, there remains a unifying force of “no enemies to the right.”
Why this project is different.
I have usually avoided making predictions, as any prognostication is typically doomed from the moment it is made because the the only the that is certain about the future is that it is unpredictable. However, it seems clear that far right authoritarian movements will continue to grow in power and influence, and democratic institutions and marginalized communities will remain under threat in 2024.
This year, I will be renewing my dedication to covering far right authoritarian movements and extremist groups, and recommitting to mission of this newsletter: providing reporting, research, and intelligence on the Radical Right. In practice, that means a commitment to publishing this newsletter on a daily basis — including publishing a daily morning briefing and other weekly features.
That also means I will be spending more time monitoring and documenting the activities in far right extremists spaces online, including watching video on sites such as Rumble, reading the content on message boards such as Patriots Win, or monitoring communications in encrypted channels on Telegram. In addition to utilizing other investigative strategies and OSINT techniques to provide research and analysis of the activities of far right extremists groups.
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