The Week's Recommended Reading on Substack:
writes that “there’s plenty to say about Trump’s longtime coddling of actual Nazis in his base, and how the dinner and the excuses he made after fit snugly into his pattern of coyly playing with the genocidal right… But what has gotten a lot of people especially confused were the names and faces at the patio table at Trump’s historically putschist manse.” writes that “scapegoating mentally ill people is not a solution to mass shootings. It’s a way to perpetuate them. Republicans value guns more than they value people’s lives, but they don’t want to admit that outright. So they blame mental illness even as they mostly strip mental health providers of resources.” writes that the GOP’s silence on the former President breaking bread with White Supremacists “delivers a loud message: Republicans are willing to countenance white supremacy and anti-Semitism if that is what it takes to maintain power and stay in the good graces of Trump.” writes that "even though Black people know what to do to fight racism, we also know white people. We know, and have recently seen, that some would rather descend into a dictatorship than pursue a multi-racial democracy." writes that “Transgender people have been warning this would happen for the last three years. The state of Texas has released a bill which is the first of my knowledge to openly call for the end of gender affirming care in its entirety.” reports that “Indiana’s attorney general is asking the state’s medical licensing board to take disciplinary action against Dr. Bernard, who came to national prominence after speaking publicly about providing a medication abortion to a 10-year-old girl who was unable to get an abortion in Ohio.” writes that "the problem we increasingly face is that Republican policies and tactics are genuinely unpopular. And I mean this sincerely—that unpopularity represents a serious problem because it further disincentivizes Republican commitment to democracy and increases the risk of racist mass violence." writes that "Fox tells its viewers that the normal, traditional American life they love is under threat. Under threat from liberals, immigrants, transgender people, anyone who is even slightly different from the white, Christian, straight male that is the central target of Fox News programming."Discussion about this post
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