Recommended Reading: GOP Governors Anti-Immigrant Political Stunts Are Part of 'Growing Global Trend Toward Authoritarianism'
The Week's Recommended Reading on Substack: Melissa del Bosque, Aaron Rupar, Noah Berlatsky, Judd Legum, Tesnim Zekeria, and Jared Yates Sexton
The Week's Recommended Reading on Substack:
Melissa del Bosque writes that “the actions of DeSantis and Abbott are not unique but part of a troubling and growing global trend toward authoritarianism. And their actions should be recognized as such. DeSantis’s actions last week were more than a political stunt to capture the nation’s attention. They were a sign of the danger to come.”
Aaron Rupar and Noah Berlatsky write that “DeSantis hoped that people in a blue state would recoil in horror and mistreat immigrants placed on their doorstep, just as he mistreated immigrants by lying to them and shipping them like cattle across the country.”
Judd Legum and Tesnim Zekeria write that “among elected officials and those seeking office, however, there is only one Republican Party. Advancing Trump's lies about election fraud — or supporting those that do — is what it takes to remain in good standing.”
Jared Yates Sexton writes that “there is much to learn from this terrible, terrible situation. In it, we can see a twisted future where authoritarian impulses deliver us into a new Putinesque era. And, in reckoning with that possibility, we can begin to see how the systems we trust at this moment make all of it all the more possible.”