Recommended Reading: Herschel Walker's False Witness and Girlboss Fascism
The Week's Recommended Reading on Substack: Pete Kurtz-Glovas, Brian Kaylor, Beau Underwood, Aaron Rupar, Jared Yates Sexton, Chris Geidner, and Parker Molloy.
The Week's Recommended Reading on Substack:
Pete Kurtz-Glovas writes that “Rise of the Black Sun is only the most recent event in the US that caters to the NSBM crowd. While it is a small music scene globally, it often serves to radicalize disaffected men looking for a sense of community.”
Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood write that “there’s nothing new under the sun. The lying, the scandals, the campaigning in churches, the spiritualizing of a political agenda is all in the playbook for Walker.”
Aaron Rupar writes that “it appears the GOP does not in fact care very deeply about the family values they pay lip service to.”
Jared Yates Sexton writes that a “Right Wing demagogue who mixes militant capitalism with perfect amounts of fearmongering, racism, and conspiracy theories in order to make the whole thing go down and generate populist support. These people either have no ability to understand the inherent fascism in their views or are well aware and see it as a necessary bonus.”
Chris Geidner writes that “election deniers in blue states can uniquely exacerbate Mr. Trump’s undermining of faith in our elections, and they, like their winning counterparts in red states, can set the stage for local election-denying candidates to win now or in the future.”
Parker Molloy writes that “Italy’s new prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, is a woman! [Pause for applause.] She’s also a member of the far-right neo-fascist Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) party! [Pause for boos.] So who’s to say whether this is a good or bad thing (this is obviously a very bad thing for the world and for the people of Italy)?”