This Week's Recommended Reading on Substack:
writes that “authoritarianism is a disease of the human heart. It is not limited to a time or space or region. It is a byproduct of trauma, a consequence of atrophying of imagination. It is an awful, awful shadow that can fall upon us without so much as warning.” writes that “law enforcement wants to know that they are good and special boys, entitled to privileges and guns and all sorts of financial goodies. They just want to bash heads and not worry about silly little laws. As a group, they care more about feeling free to enact violence on outgroups than they care about being part of the social fabric.” writes that “the effect of claiming to extract racial and gender biases from our opinions is more than just wrongheaded, it is harmful to the most marginalized among us. When you claim to offer a neutral analysis, you end up reinforcing the existing unjust racial and gender norms. A person floating on the surface of the lake is not truly neutral, they move in whatever direction the waves take them.” writes that given Andrew Tate’s “given Tate’s history of misogyny and his influence over young, disenfranchised men, his conversion to Islam drew scepticism across Muslim communities. Some claimed that Tate was taking advantage of his growing popularity among young Muslim men in the Western world to rehabilitate and rebrand himself. This became apparent when Tate did not appear repentant about his history of misogyny and abuse but instead seemed emboldened by the misperception of Islam as a religion that promotes violence against women.” writes that “the average Fox News viewer is watching to have an entire network devoted to telling them, no, actually, you’re right about how everything has gone wrong and in fact most people agree with you – it’s just that their point of view is being suppressed by some unseen force (usually operated by people you hate for their race, religion, or gender identity).” writes that “transgender identification is not accurately gauged by answering a single question. Instead, gender dysphoria diagnoses require a persistent, consistent, and insistent desire to be the other sex lasting 6 months, as well as 5 of 7 other criteria, such as a dislike of one’s own sexual anatomy, a desire for sex characteristics to match their experienced gender, preference for cross sex roles in make-believe play, and more. The study, on the other hand, looks at an isolated question at individual moments in young people’s lives and clearly cannot be used as a proxy for transgender people.” writes that “because the truth is that the biggest offenders are wearing suits; they’re often in boardrooms or state houses. The companies that pushed Oxycodone on America have hurt more people and made more money than any drug dealer. Police forces have killed more people in the United States than any gang. Policies around evictions and climate and health care have hurt infinitely more people than any criminal mastermind could ever conceive of.”Comments
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