Pride Month Events Target of Harassment, Disruptions, and Vandalism
During the first week of Pride Month, events in at least a dozen communities were the target of harassment, disruptions, and vandalism.
During the first week of Pride Month, events in at least a dozen communities were the target of harassment, disruptions, and vandalism. Far right anti-LGBTIQ groups, including the New Columbia Movement, La Nouvelle Vendée, and the Proud Boys, targeted Pride Month events.
Protests Targeting Pride
Columbus, Georgia: The Colgay Pride Festival reportedly “featured an altercation between supporters of Pride and religious protesters who were demonstrating at the event, prompting police response in an effort to de-escalate the situation.”
Niceville, Florida: Local law enforcement arrested one individual after three men were confronted for “stealing pride flags along the pride walk route,” and outside the Niceville Community Center several protesters claimed the Pride Month events “violated their religious beliefs.”
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: Anti-LGBTIQ activists protested the North Idaho Pride Alliance’s annual Pride in the Park celebration, and claimed the event was a “threat to public safety.”
Mandeville, Louisiana: La Nouvelle Vendée, an organization that seeks to “resist secularism,” “reclaim our patrimony,” and “restore Christendom in Louisiana by implementing the Doctrine of the Social Reign of Christ the King,” staged a protest outside a local Pride Month event.
Dallas, Texas: Anti-LGBT activists targeted attendees of the Dallas Pride Music Festival. Kelly Neidert, self proclaimed Christian fascist, was joined by members of the New Columbia Movement, far right Christian Nationalist group, and posted several videos of families entering the venue hosting the event.
La Center, Washington: Pride Month event was reportedly “halted by the presence of anti-LGBTQ+ protesters who waited halfway through the route in front of the La Center Elementary School,” and an estimated ten protesters “circled the park throughout the fair but were held back through de-escalation tactics.”
Vandalism and Violence Targeting Pride
Carlisle, Massachusetts: Local law enforcement is reportedly investigation the left over 200 pride flags were reportedly stolen “days before a local pride event and the start of Pride Month.”
Bend, Oregon: A Pride Month event in Drake Park was reportedly targeted by anti-LGBTIQ protesters, and hours after the city “unveiled a rainbow crosswalk on Riverside Boulevard to mark the start of Pride Month, vandals defaced it with tire marks.”
Mitchell, South Dakota: Congregational United Church of Christs reportedly “vandalized with graffiti of a Bible verse condemning homosexuality and the word ‘ABOMINATION’ in bright red spray paint on the sidewalk.”
Rapid City, South Dakota: During the Black Hills pride parade, an individual was arrested after allegedly screaming “obscenities at parade participants and disrupted the permitted event,” and local law enforcement is investigation another unidentified individual “who pulled a knife during the event.”
Poulsbo, Washington: An unidentified individual “slashed nearly all LGBTQ+ pride banners downtown over the weekend,” and local law enforcement is reportedly investigating the incident — which due to the dollar amount of damage, constitutes a felony.
Far Right Groups Targeting Pride
The Cape Fear Proud Boys posted on message on Telegram, that the group “sent Proud Boys to eight different pride events” in North Carolina, and asserted that only one event permitted participation of all ages: “Highwire Brewing on Princess St. in Willington, NC has made the groomer list.”
Possible Future Targets: Mount Shasta Brewing in Siskiyou County, California (June 15th); Our Lady of Grace Church in Hoboken, New Jersey (June 23th)