Morning Briefing: Massachusetts GOP Candidate Loves Hitler, Wants to ‘Exile All Jews’
Lori Kauffman has posted on social media that if elected her long term goals would include banning same-sex marriage, criminalizing transgender people, and “also exile all Jews.”
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Morning Briefing: A Republican candidate for State Committee in Dorchester, Massachusetts has repeatedly expressed support far right extremist views, including professing their love for Adolf Hitler. Lori Kauffman has posted on social media that if elected her long term goals would include banning same-sex marriage, criminalizing transgender people, and “also exile all Jews.”
Kauffman, part of a slate of far right candidates for the GOP State Committee reportedly recruited and endorsed by Project RINO Cutters, is campaigning as an “unwavering AMERICA FIRST” candidate and has made various antisemitic statements including claiming that “whatever the ‘holocaust’ was, Israel and J-ws are guilty of worse crimes against humanity.”
The Massachusetts primary election will be held on March 5th, and Kauffman‘a opponent is Elizabeth Hinds-Ferrick.
In Paducah, Kentucky, members of Patriot Front, the White Nationalist neo-fascist group, staged a march through downtown, “many of them carrying Confederate or white supremacy-related symbols.”
In Cumberland, Rhode Island, local law enforcement stated that a “white supremacist group appeared to have gathered in different locations around the town,” and the group was reportedly the People’s Initiative of New England (PINE), a white supremacist group connected to the Nationalist Social Club (NSC-131).
Daqua Lameek Ritter was found guilty on all charges including “one hate crime count, one federal firearms count, and one obstruction count, all arising out of the murder of Dime Doe, a transgender woman,” and the conviction is the “first time in U.S. history that a federal jury has convicted a defendant for a gender-based hate crime.”
Tres Genco, who plotted to perpetrate a mass shooting “specifically targeting women at Ohio State University with the hopes of killing 3,000,” became the first incel to be “convicted of federal hate crime charges.”
Upcoming Project From Radical Reports: Mapping the U.S. Radical Right
Mapping the U.S. Radical Right will be a new interactive visualization tool that will allow users the ability to track the connections between the various sectors of the Radical Right, including tracking the connections, associations, and funding of right-wing advocacy organizations, far right extremists groups, and wealthy conservative donors. The tool launches on Friday, March 1st. Stay tuned for details and updates.
Must Reads
Brandy Zadrozny writes that Utah House Bill 196, sponsored by Republican state Rep. Ken Ivory, “defines ritual abuse as abuse that occurs as ‘part of an event or act designed to commemorate, celebrate, or solemnize a particular occasion or significance in a religious, cultural, social, institutional, or other context.’ The bill lists specific actions that fall under the proposed definition: abuse against children that includes animal torture, bestiality or cannibalism, or forcing a child to ingest urine or feces, enter a coffin or grave containing a corpse, or take drugs as part of the ritual… If the bill passes, Utah would be the first state in decades to enact a law codifying ritual abuse. Several states passed similar laws in the 1980s and ’90s, during the height of hysteria over satanic ritual abuse, but few, if any, prosecutions came from them. Since then, federal law enforcement agencies, scholars and historians have pointed to the scarcity of evidence for the claims of widespread ritual abuse and warned of the lasting legacies of the national panic — including false allegations, wrongful imprisonments and wasted law enforcement resources.” [NBC News]
Jeremy Barr writes that “lately, it’s become popular in conservative media circles to brand certain things as a psychological operation, or ‘psyop.’ Climate change, for example. Or covid. Or the media coverage of Donald Trump. Or even the prosecution of Hunter Biden. Technically, ‘psyop’ is a U.S. military term, referring to various kinds of campaigns to get inside the heads of adversaries. In a classic psychological operation during the Vietnam War, the U.S. government blasted messages over loudspeakers that were meant to urge Viet Cong soldiers to defect. Ahead of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, it was millions of leaflets dropped on cities to undermine support for then-President Saddam Hussein. ‘Who needs you more? Your family or the regime?’ one flier asked. But conservative media personalities have begun using the term in vaguer and wilder ways, seemingly to allege government conspiracies targeted at American citizens — something that would be illegal, even if any of these theories were remotely plausible.” [The Washington Post]
Alexander Hinton writes that “those on the left who dismiss the CPAC as a gathering of MAGA crazies and racists who support a wannabe dictator do not understand that, from this far-right perspective, there are compelling and even urgent reasons to support Trump. Indeed, they believe, as conservative politician Tulsi Gabbard stated in her CPAC speech on Feb. 22, that the left’s claims about Trump’s authoritarianism are “laughable.” This is because CPAC attendees falsely perceive President Joe Biden as the one who is attacking democracy.” [The Conversation]
What to expect from Radical Reports: Morning Briefing provides a daily round-up of reporting on the Radical Right; Extremist Links offers a weekly round-up of extremists activities including the white supremacist and militia movements; Narratives of the Right delivers weekly analysis of the current narratives in far right online spaces and promoted by right-wing media; and Research Desk provides monthly highlights research and analysis from academia on the Radical Right.
Wow! What is her current job? Or other affiliations?
I’ll definitely be checking out her cute little book—in the book I’m working on, I have a couple of chapters about white supremacists’ “reading material” and haven’t seen this one yet. Puke.
Thank you, Teddy.