Intelligence Dispatch: The Intersections of the White Supremacists, Anti-Abortion, and Anti-Vaccination Movements
The intersections of the White Supremacists, anti-abortion, anti-vaccination, and other far right movements.
This week on Radical Reports: The Patriot Front, the white nationalist neo-fascist group that splintered from Vanguard America, recently crashed an anti-abortion protest in Chicago and the March for Life in Washington, D.C. While activists may desire to distance the anti-abortion movement from White Supremacist groups such as the Patriot Front, there is a long history of connections between the anti-abortion movement and White Supremacist.
What to expect from Radical Reports: Intelligence Dispatch provides a briefing on the activities of the Radical Right; Extremist Links provides a round-up of extremists activities including the white supremacist and militia movements; Research Desk that highlights research and analysis from academia of the Radical Right; Field Notes provides research and analysis the strategies and tactics of the Radical Right; and the Radical Reports Podcast provides in-depth conversations with journalists, activists, and academics about the Radical Right.
The Capitol Riot Insurrectionists Networks is an interactive visualization tool that maps the networks of the 700+ individuals who have been arrested and charged in connection to the Capitol Riot on January 6th.
Must Reads
Jane Mayer reports that “there are extant laws circumscribing the ethical behavior of all federal judges, including the Justices. Arguably, Clarence Thomas has edged unusually close to testing them.” [The New Yorker]
Chauncey DeVega writes that “Trumpists who participated in the insurrection were also more likely to perceive their communities as being politically isolated, i.e., they live in an area where their neighbors or the surrounding community do not share their affinity for Trump and his movement. This perceived isolation also heightens a sense of threat and vulnerability.” [Salon]
Will Carless reports that “far-right extremist influencers and leaders have increasingly jumped onto the anti-vaccination bandwagon since COVID-19 took a deadly grip on the U.S. in the past two years.” [USA Today]
Moira Donegan writes that “explicit white nationalism, and an emphasis on conscripting white women into reproduction, is not a fringe element of the anti-choice movement. Associations between white supremacist groups and anti-abortion forces are robust and longstanding.” [The Guardian]
Jason Luger writes that “research has identified three types of infrastructures, in particular, that are linked to the radical right and its evolution,” including “faith and spirituality,” “recreation and leisure,” and “finance and economy.” [Rantt Media]
Events on the Right
The Patriot Voice, a right-wing group that promotes the Q-Anon conspiracy theory, is hosting the For God & Country Patriot Revival in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Ahern Hotel from February 18-21. (Price Tag: $650 - $1,300)
Featured Speakers Include: Lin Wood, Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, Dr. Peter McCullough, Ron Watkins, Simona Mangiante-Papadopoulos, and George Papadopoulos
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual political conference hosted by the American Conservative Union, is hosted the annual conference in Orlando, Florida from February 24-27. (Price Tag: $295 - $7,000)
Featured Speakers Include: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Kevin Roberts, Matt Whitaker, KT McFarland, and Julio Rosas
Subscribers have access the Events on the Right Google Calendar.
Coming Up This Week From Radical Reports…
Extremists Links: Round-up of extremists activities including the white supremacist and the militia movements. (Subscribers Only)
Legislative Watch: Round-up of right-wing bills introduced by lawmakers in state legislatures. (Subscribers Only)
Research Desk: Highlights from recently published research and studies of the Radical Right (Subscribers Only)